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I'm a self taught Software Developer focused on cross-platform developer tools.
Tools of the Trade · Knowing how to find the bottlenecks in your code can be more important than knowing how to fix them. After all it's impractical to...
Know Your Data · So I've been writing code in C# for the last 7 years or so, and this past year the decision was made to use Typescript and React for a...
Why Patent Trolls Are a Problem · The original Project Jengo began after Blackbird Technologies sued CloudFlare over old and very vague patents that...
NOTE: If you read nothing else, read the last paragraph The Ballmer Peak If you haven't heard of this, it's a good thing to read up on for...
It's been a rough few months since I last wrote anything. I normally did most of my work in C# with .Net, but at the end of October that changed. I've...
Confusing yourself and others for the sake of hiding implementation details. · Throwing exceptions seems pretty simple to anyone experienced with C#. And...